Lula is likely to keep the Minister of Communications in office, the União Brasil and the PP are considering forming a party federation, and Bolsonaro continues to lose political capital

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 07 Mar 2023 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Lula met with the Minister of Communications, Juscelino Filho (União), accused of using a Brazilian Air Force (FAB) plane to participate in an auction of racehorses in São Paulo and omitting information about his personal assets to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). Lula has decided to keep him in office. The União Brasil and PP are considering forming a party federation. The president of the House, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), said yesterday that this federation is a step towards merging the two parties. The issue regarding the jewels from Saudi Arabia brought to Brazil by President Jair Bolsonaro's team has gained significant coverage by the press. Since leaving the presidency, Jair Bolsonaro has faced a series of issues that are consuming his political capital.

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