Lula met with the presidents of the House, Senate, and STF, the Transition PEC was discussed, and Lula said he will start announcing the members of his ministerial team after the COP27
- Report
10 Nov 2022
by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha
This was Lula’s first meeting with the heads of the two other branches of government since his election. Lula intends to signal the start of a harmonious relationship between the three branches. Some members of Congress who participated in the meetings gave statements about the total amount of funds the Transition Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) should release next year outside of the Spending Ceiling. According to Senator Omar Aziz (PSD-AM), the value of the PEC should be between R$ 170 billion and R$ 175 billion. The climate conference COP27 is taking place in Egypt. Lula leaves on November 14 and will return on November 19.
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