Lula remains in the lead in the polls and gave an interview to SBT yesterday, and Bolsonaro held a livestream and called for his voters to show up on Election Day

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 28 Sep 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Currently, Lula would receive 50% of the valid vote. Due to the margin of error, it is not possible to say whether the election will have one or two rounds. Variables such as abstention, the movement in favor of a utilitarian voting strategy and the TV Globo debate, scheduled for tomorrow, September 29, will be decisive. Yesterday, former President Lula gave an interview to the SBT newspaper and spoke about some important topics. He said he intends to change Petrobras’s pricing policy. Bolsonaro held a livestream and asked voters to show up on Election Day and avoid canceling or submitting a blank or null vote.

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