Lula said he will only appoint the next BC president when he is sure it will be quickly confirmed in the Senate, Campos Neto said Lula’s criticisms make it harder to control inflation, and the Tax Reform Working Group should submit its final report

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 03 Jul 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Lula gave another interview to the press and addressed topics of market interest. He said he will only appoint the next Central Bank president when he is certain it will be quickly confirmed by the Senate. The appointment process goes through the Economic Affairs Committee and then the Senate plenary. Today's edition of Valor also features an interview with Central Bank President Roberto Campos Neto, in which he states that the President's criticisms of the monetary policy make it more difficult to control inflation. Also today, the Tax Reform Working Group in the House is expected to present its final report. According to the president of the House, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), the bill regulating Tax Reform will be ready for a vote between July 10 and 12.

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