Lula spoke about the Minas Gerais federal debt in an interview, he also discussed the 2026 presidential election, and Congress should continue to discuss payroll tax relief next week

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 28 Jun 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Lula (PT) gave another interview to the press and addressed topics of interest to the market. According to him, the bill that will create an alternative for the debt of Minas Gerais should be completed within fifteen days. Regarding 2026, Lula said that the only scenario in which he could be a candidate is if all indicators show that he is the only person capable of defeating the right-wing candidate. Today, Lula is the best-positioned candidate on the left. Another topic that should see developments in Congress is the issue of payroll tax relief. The rapporteur of the bill in the Senate, Jaques Wagner, is expected to present his report.

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