Lula was elected the next President of Brazil, Bolsonaro has not yet addressed the results, and truck drivers organize a blockade of the highways to protest Bolsonaro’s defeat
With the tightest result in the history of Brazil, former President Lula will return to the Presidency of the Republic after beating President Jair Bolsonaro by a margin of 2.1 million votes. Now, the market is anxious to find out who will comprise Lula's ministerial team, especially the Minister of Economy. Potentially, the number of ministries in government could increase from the current 23 to 33. President Jair Bolsonaro has yet to speak about the results. He is expected to make a statement today, October 31. After Lula's victory was confirmed, truck drivers' leaders blocked interstate highways in Minas Gerais, Bahia, Goiás, and the South. The likelihood, though, is for blockade events to be few and far between.
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