Politics: Main political agendas of the major branches and political players for the coming months

MEXICO - Report 07 Feb 2022 by Guillermo Valdes and Francisco González

Aside from President López Obrador’s three remaining “structural” reform proposals, which are very relevant for his project, there are not too many major agenda points for the current session of Congress that got underway February 1 and concludes at the end of April. However, there is a massive backlog of close to a thousand pieces of legislation pending and a number of important ones are certain to make it to the floor. And given the extent to which the federal executive dominates the national agenda, the tasks and agendas of the other branches and autonomous bodies largely revolve around the presidency, either in loyal fulfillment of AMLO’s wishes or in trying to resist his grasp.

Parties outside of the governing camp have once again published agendas consisting of little more than lists of subjects of interest, cognizant of just how unlikely it is that their proposals will even get a hearing, much less have any chance of passage. Nevertheless, in need of allies if they are to succeed with any of the president’s three constitutional reforms, Morena leaders are signaling they are ready to negotiate, although they have done nothing to give credence to such gestures.

Of course, the electric power sector is the subject of the structural reform that is front and center and has been the topic of a series of congressionally sponsored public forums since mid-January. However, it remains unclear to what extent the president will be willing to modify the proposal he announced late last year that has drawn such staunch opposition and for which he will need allies outside his sphere of influence.

Since the current administration’s actions and reforms have been constantly challenged in the courts, the Judiciary has become a crucial actor in daily political life, leaving the Judiciary to engage in a constant juggling act as it tries to maintain its independence while avoiding the full brunt of AMLO’s wrath. That performance has been on display in the series of constitutional appeals regarding the public consultation on recalling or reaffirming Lopez Obrador as President of the Republic.

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