Manufacturing a political crisis
By Latin American standards, Colombia was doing well, led by a pro-market, pro-business leader, who, despite his lack of experience in everyday domestic politics, was known for trying to avoid confrontation and distancing his administration from pork-barrel politics; who intended forcefully to be his own man, and not the puppet of his mentor, former President Alvaro Uribe. That was the accepted narrative for the first 15 months of Duque’s presidency. On October 27, 2019, everything changed.
With the defeats in the local elections, it seems unlikely that in 2022 Uribe will be able to pull off the unbelievable spell he conjured in 2018, of hand-picking a person and catapulting him to the presidency. The current state of affairs also represents dire prospects for the incumbent. Governability is costlier when one is unpopular.
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