Mourão seeks to mitigate wear on environmental policy
Today, Vice President Hamilton Mourão, head of the Amazon Council, said that the deforestation warnings in the region in June occurred because measures to contain it began too “late”. According to Mourão, Operation Green Brazil ideally would have started in December, 2019.
Measures to prevent and suppress environmental crimes are still ongoing and are being carried out by the Armed Forces. The operation focuses on combating illegal deforestation and fires. As the head of the Amazon Council, Mourão has held a series of meetings in response to pressure from investors to reduce deforestation in the Amazon. The talks and meetings represent an effort to showcase government measures and try to avoid losing foreign investment.
In other political news, President Jair Bolsonaro confirmed Milton Ribeiro as the new Minister of Education, a victory for the evangelical group. Ribeiro also pleases the so-called "ideological wing".
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