NASA still wants to work with Russia

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 02 Jan 2022 by Alex Teddy

Notwithstanding poor relations with Moscow, the US is still eager to deepen cooperation on the International Space Station, until 2030 at least. On December 31 the NASA Administrator said so. The International Space Station (ISS) is run by the US, Russia and other countries.NASA is happy to continue collaboration on scientific space projects. ISS has been run by the two countries since 1998. The US Congress has voted for funds for the ISS until the end of 2024. The US says it is committed to creating international laws about space activity. In November 2021 the US and other NATO countries denounced Russia for firing a missile that destroyed an old, dud Russian satellite. The US was worried that debris from the destruction could harm the ISS but this did not transpire.

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