Politics: New GEA-ISA poll shows a sharp drop in AMLO´s approval rating
Mexico’s situation is clearly deteriorating in terms of its economy, public security, foreign policy, and social indicators, and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is unable or unwilling to adequately respond to these challenges. This has been reflected in the latest GEA-ISA poll, conducted from March 19 to 22. Some 44% vs 42% of those surveyed feel the economy is in crisis, and 59% blame the government as opposed to 38% who cite trends in the world economy as the cause.
Disapproval extends to public security and even to the government’s fight against corruption, the centerpiece of AMLO’s concerns and policies. The administration's public work projects and social welfare policies are also starting to rack up negative numbers. On a more general level, 36% feel the country is heading in the right direction, and now a whopping 56% feel it is on the wrong path.
All this has translated into a dramatic 11-point drop in AMLO’s voter approval ratings, with 51% of the population now disapproving of the president’s performance, while 45% is in favor. These results point to a radically different electoral landscape for the 2024 presidential elections than had previously been envisioned. If the opposition were to forge an electoral coalition with common candidates, it now appears possible, if not likely, that they could beat the Morena-PVEM-PT ticket and win the presidency. To that point, the poll indicates that opposition supporters are willing to forego partisan political preferences to seek a common candidate, although as of now there is a still large block of undecided voters.
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