New tensions amid the armistice
This week, President Jair Bolsonaro managed to advance in the armistice between the powers. In addition to signaling dialogue with the presidents of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), Dias Toffoli, the House of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, and the Senate, Davi Alcolumbre, the victory achieved by the defense of Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (Republicanos-RJ) in Rio de Janeiro´s Justice system, taking the investigations of the so-called “rachadinha” to the second instance, slightly reduces the pressure on Flávio.
However, there are contradictory statements from the former Bolsonaro family lawyer, Frederick Wassef, in relation to the fact that Fabrício Queiroz, Flávio´s former aide, was arrested at his residence in Atibaia (SP), which may represent an additional problem for the senator and the Planalto Palace. Meanwhile, investigations against Bolsonaro´s allies are advancing. Today, the Federal Police (PF) arrested blogger Oswaldo Eustáquio, who is linked to radical activist Sara Winter, within the investigations of anti-democratic demonstrations.
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