Politics: Opposition on the right path to compete in 2024 but with major challenges ahead

MEXICO - Report 23 Jan 2023 by Guillermo Valdes and Francisco González

The opposition has taken a major step toward mounting a serious challenge in the upcoming elections as the PAN, PRI and PRD recommitted themselves in recent days to competing as a coalition. However, a number of crucial matters remain under discussion. During the Va por México news conference at which the announcement was made, the heads of the PAN and PRI said that they had agreed the PRI would internally conduct the candidate selection process for the coalition’s gubernatorial nominees in this year’s contests, which take place in two states currently governed by that party. They also revealed that the PAN would conduct the nomination process for the coalition’s candidates for president and head of Mexico City government. But the head of the PRD said it was adamantly opposed to the deal cut between the PAN and PRI, a position echoed by the six civil society organizations that organized the almost million strong citizens' marches in defense of the INE on November 13, insisting that the coalition candidates had to be chosen in an open and democratic manner, quite correctly asserting that such an approach is essential for the coalition to “enjoy the competitiveness necessary to win.”

Ever since they suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of Morena in the 2018 elections, the three coalition parties have failed to regain voter confidence. In an obvious sign of just how deeply voters distrust the country’s three traditional parties, only 42% of the 41% who disapprove of AMLO's performance in office would vote for the opposition coalition, with 30% favoring the future Morena nominee instead, as would 16% of those who said they identify with the PAN, PRI or PRD. And considering just how poorly the potential opposition-party presidential nominees are polling, it will be all the more crucial for the non partisan civil society groups to assume a greater public presence in defining the coalition and its candidates.

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