Politics: Opposition parties elect new leaderships in bid to reverse falling fortunes
Mexico’s opposition parties are in serious trouble on all levels following their disastrous performance in the June national elections.
All are attempting to come to grips with their rejection by broad sections of the population –they only have the support of 15% of the electorate- promising internal reforms, albeit in most cases on superficial levels.
The Movimiento Ciudadano, which polled a significant yet minority vote, was the latest to elect a new leadership. While it may reinvent a media strategy to appeal to its potential base of young voters, it comes up short in terms of dynamic political proposals.
The PRI has been the hardest hit, given its history. While it has elected a new president, Alejandro Moreno, significant sections of its powerful old guard are not on board and/or have left its ranks. The new PRI leadership has responded by beefing up its control of the organization.
The PAN, now led by Jorge Romero, has modified its bylaws to open up the party, but a thoroughgoing reform is another matter.
Few observers feel the opposition parties will be able to turn their situation around, overcome their crises, and regain their lost legitimacy, at least in the short term heading toward the 2027 midterm elections.
Many opponents of Morena are wagering on the possibility of a new party announced by Xochitl Galvez, the PRI-PAN-PRD presidential candidate in last June’s elections. To be based on civil society, the party might be new, but not necessary very different from the others. Thus far, few details have been forthcoming.
Morena feels it has wind in its sails. It recently elected Luisa Maria Alcalde as its president and AMLO’s son Andrés Manuel Lopez Beltrán as its organizational secretary. They have pledged to rejuvenate the party, with a campaign to affiliate 10 million new members. But any setbacks in the Mexican economy, the public security situation, or Claudia Sheinbaum’s administration coming up short could put pressure on its internal unity and jeopardize its optimistic scenarios.
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