Pension reform back on track and other weekly topics

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 01 Apr 2019 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Bolsonaro returns from his trip to Israel on April 3. Also on April 3, Paulo Guedes speaks at public hearing in the Lower House CCJ. In the Senate, bill that annuls the presidential decree removing visa requirements for tourists from Australia, Canada, USA and Japan may be voted upon, along with the proposal on Compulsory Spending. On Friday, April 5, the Confaz decides whether it will extend the agreement that exempts or reduces ICMS charges for agribusiness products, with an estimated impact of R$ 39.9 billion for the sector.

This week’s Talking Points:
* Crisis averted?
* Pension reform back on track
* Government support in the Lower House
* The main items on the agenda for April
* Mourão’s role
* The STF prohibits the reissuing of MPs in the same legislative session
* The government prepares the announcement of economic measures

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