Politics: Elections 2016 - a new political balance

MEXICO - Report 08 Jun 2016 by Guillermo Valdes and Esteban Manteca

Election Day, last Sunday, June 5, brought about electoral results that modify Mexico's political landscape, as well as the political strength each political party has facing the presidential elections of 2018. Voters chose a different party to inhabit eight out of the 12 governor's mansions at stake, and for the very first time, four states that had only had PRI governors will have a new party in charge of the state government.

• The PAN was the big winner of the night: Seven out of 12 governorships.
• The PRI was the big loser: Only five wins out of the nine the president of the party, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, had promised.
• Morena, AMLO’s party, did not manage to wipe the PRD out of the political scene. It did relatively well, particularly in Veracruz and Zacatecas, but is still not a national political force. The PRD is alive after its annus horribilis of 2015.
• There is a harsh punishment vote against President Peña’s government and against the PRI. It is still not clear which path the President will follow to address the social anger that was clearly reflected in the voting booth.

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