Polls show Bolsonaro’s popularity is recovering, Eduardo Leite should step down as governor of Rio Grande do Sul today, and there will be major political moves next week
Since the government has announced measures that have not yet had an effect on public opinion, such as the early access to the 13th salary installment for retirees and pensioners and the withdrawals of up to R$ 1,000 from the FGTS, there is room for the distance between Bolsonaro and Lula to narrow even further. Today, a new XP/Ipespe poll will be published. The announcement about whether Leite will remain in the PSDB should take place next week. In any event, the likelihood Leite will stay in the party has certainly increased. Next week, many governors, mayors, state and municipal secretaries will resign to run for other positions in October. There will also be ministerial reform given that several ministers will resign from their positions to run for elective office in October.
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