Pres. Bolsonaro increases the IOF tax in hope of lowering food prices, the Executive Office submitted a bill to the House providing for gradual reduction of federal tax incentives and benefits, and the court-ordered payments PEC approved in the House
- Report
17 Sep 2021
by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha
The Federal Government is expected to raise R$ 2.14 billion in order to fund the Auxilio Brasil program and remove the PIS/Cofins tax on corn imports. Arthur Lira may still decide to decrease the processing time of the court-ordered payments PEC by attaching it to another PEC that has already been put to a vote in the plenary. The House Special Committee may vote on Deputy Arthur Maia’s report on the Administrative Reform proposal, and the plenary may vote on the payroll tax exemption bill.
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