Pressure is building for the financing of the Auxílio Brasil program, truck drivers demand a solution to the fuel price issue, and the Special Committee on the court-ordered payments PEC meets today to vote on the rapporteur’s report

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 19 Oct 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Jair Bolsonaro said he will make decisions on the emergency aid program and the diesel issues later this week. The economic team supports approving the court-ordered payments PEC and the income tax bill to make room for the Auxílio Brasil program. Financing of the Auxílio Brasil program depends on the income tax bill, which is under analysis in the Senate. It is not yet known what measures the government will announce to solve the fuel price issue. The meeting of the Special Committee starts at 2 p.m. and the probability is for the text of the court-ordered payments PEC to be approved.

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