Putin offers ceasefire with Ukraine if Ukraine retreats from 4 regions

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 15 Jun 2024 by Alex Teddy

On June 14 Putin said the ceasefire would start today if Kyiv accepted his demands. Russia annexed 5 regions of Ukraine. It totally controls Crimea but only partly controls the other 4. If Ukraine withdraws from the remainder of these 4 regions that it currently controls, Moscow will stop fighting while talks open. He said the ultimate aims are Ukrainian demilitarization and an end to sanctions. The Secretary-General of NATO dismissed Putin's offer as a trick. No Western government has welcomed Putin's statement. However, there have been surprising reticent in response to it. A peace conference started in Switzerland on June 15. Kyiv rejected Putin's offer saying it was intended to undermine the conference. Russia has not been invited. China has refused to attend. 70 countries have sent representatives. Several national leaders are attending. Ukraine is loath to negotiate with Russia. The two countries had the Minsk 1 and Minsk 2 agreements after the 2014 Donbass War broke out. Both accused the other of breaking the agreements. Ukraine's position remains that talks can only start once Russia withdraws completely, including from Crimea. Because of Western arms shipments and funding since April 2024. Ukraine's situation has improved considerably. At the start of 2024 there was some grumbling in Ukraine that the situation was unsustainable and talks might have to be opened.

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