Putin's approval up in March

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 31 Mar 2022 by Alex Teddy

A Levada opinion poll showed that the president's approval climbed from 69% in February to 83% in March 2022. This is likely due to the war. As the saying goes: no war is at first unpopular. If the war drags on for months and casualties mount, then his popularity will dip.Western hopes that sanctions will make Putin so unpopular that he will halt the war appear to be misguided. However, the economic pain is only just starting to be felt. The Central Bank of Russia's policy to support the RUB has meant that the RUB has recovered most of the value it lost since February 24. Inflation and price rises will mean that by the end of 2022 Putin will probably be much less popular than he is now. Extremely stringent censorship has sold the Russian public a version of events that is unrecognizable in the West. Russians are told that Russia is obliged to fight because a Nazi regime in Ukraine is committing genocide. The special military operation is portrayed as successful and just, whereas Russian casualties are said to be superficial. Anti-war protests are criminalized. 15,000 people have been arrested for such demonstrations. However, in the last 2 weeks these protests have dwindled to almost none.

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