Red herrings, dark realities

TURKEY - Report 06 Oct 2024 by Murat Ucer and Atilla Yesilada

President Erdogan and his loyal ally Mr. Bahceli are seriously freaking out about a potential Israeli assault so much so that, the president is claiming the Jewish holy land covers parts of Turkey. As far as the humble political analyst can investigate, the possibility of any type of military clash between Turkey and Israel is close to nil. The Republican Alliance is using the Lebanon war as an excuse to resuscitate the idea of a new constitution. Can it succeed?

In some of the September polls, AKP closed the difference with main opposition party CHP, not because the administration is getting better marks from the public, but rather because CHP is once again embroiled in infighting. CHP voters also seem to disapprove of chairman Ozel’s kindler, gentler approach to AKP-MHP. Is a new leadership battle underway? How will my unloved early election scenario fare, if former chair Kilicdaroglu makes a comeback?

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