Reports show Paulo Guedes and Roberto Campos Neto have offshore companies, the Senate may vote on the railroad framework today, and a partner of the logistics company VTCLog, Raimundo Nonato Brasil, testifies in the Pandemic CPI
- Report
05 Oct 2021
by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha
Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP), submitted a request to the Supreme Federal Court (STF) to open a preliminary investigation against Paulo Guedes and Roberto Campos Neto. The PSOL caucus in the House has started collecting signatures for the opening of a CPI on this issue. Despite the discomfort, there shouldn’t be major consequences, unless new information is reported. The House may vote on Bill No. 1.133/21, which extends the suspension of payments from the Student Financing Fund (Fies) until December 31 of this year.
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