Russia asks NATO to stop nuclear buildup

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 27 Sep 2019 by Alex Teddy

On September 25 Putin asked NATO to stop its deployment of missiles to Europe. Missiles of this type are forbidden pursuant to a US-Russian nuclear agreement but that agreement was annulled on August 2. That was the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF). The United States withdrew from it claiming that Russia was violating it. This allegation is vigorously disputed by the Russian Government. Moscow has asked if NATO will at least announce a pause on the delivery of such weapons to see if another agreement can be reached. Russia offered to desist from positioning ground based short and medium range nuclear missiles in European Russia so long as NATO does likewise. NATO rejected this out of hand saying such missiles are already deployed in European Russia.Moscow is perturbed because there could be a new arms race. The last one in the 1980s was so ruinously expensive for the USSR that it materially contributed to the fall of communism. The United States has already announced a successful test of a 500 km range missile since the INF came to an end. There is a spirited debate in the Russian Government about the level of military spending. The end of the INF makes it seem that there will be no defense spending cut.

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