Russia-backed fighters unleashed large offensive at Donbas
- In Brief
18 Feb 2020
by Dmytro Boyarchuk
Today at 5 a.m. near the points of mutual forces’ withdrawal Russia-backed fighters started large-scale shelling of Ukrainian positions and followed with an offensive, according to the headquarter of Ukrainian Army. The battle still continues by the time of this writing. We have not observed that large military operations at Donbas already for several years. The offensive has undermined all recent peaceful efforts of president Zelenskiy. Till now Zelenskiy has been insisting that permanent dialogue and compromises are inevitable. Ukrainians should accept maybe not very pleasant moves towards Russia because everything is for peace. The attack looks especially ‘nice’ on the eve of launching dialogue platform “Peace at Donbas” which should bring some representatives from the other side of the frontline to start talking about future. For sure, we have the deal with some hawks trying to prevent peaceful process. But from now it becomes complicated for Zelenskiy to explain how we plan to make deals when shooting still continues.
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