Russia ends nuclear cooperation with Norway

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 03 Jun 2022 by Alex Teddy

On June 2 the Russian nuclear agency (Rosatom) said it will no longer work with Norway. Norway and Russia have been cooperating since 1993. Norway paid EUR 2 billion to Russia to help Norway secure nuclear dumps and upgrade safety at icebreaker factories and power plants. Norway ended financing for nuclear safety projects after the invasion of Ukraine. Russia said it is suspending cooperation because it is not receiving payment. There are still channels of communications that are open. Both sides are ready in case of emergency.  Neither Russia nor Norway wants a radioactive leak in the Barents Sea. There are dumps there from radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. These are kept 60 km from Norway.  There is a Norwegian-Russian Commission on nuclear safety. But Norway says it does not have political contact with Russia now. The two countries have agreed to inform each other if cross border radioactive contamination occurs. However, Russia failed to do so when one occurred in 2019. Later in 2019 a nuclear powered weapons system exploded in the White Sea and sent radioactive gas into the atmosphere and Russia did not inform Norway. Norway is very worried about nuclear power plants in Ukraine. Norway is a NATO country and so relations with Russia are sour at the moment. Andreeva Bay is a storage site in Russia near a submarine base. Andreeva Bay is said to hold 10,000 spent nuclear fuel elements. Storage is thought to be unsafe. Norway-paid NGOs in Russia now find it very hard to operate. Therefore it is very difficult to know the state of nuclear safety in Russia.

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