Russia planning to streamline guest worker regulations

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 11 Feb 2021 by Alex Teddy

On February 10 the government said it is examining the simplification of the visa process for migrant laborers. The country has been confronted by an accute paucity of workers in farming, construction and public sanitation. In March 2020 Russia closed its borders. Tens of thousands of guest workers from Central Asia left while they could. Others in Central Asia had been intending to come to Russia to take up jobs in mid 2020 but were prevented from doing so. Russia now permits people from scores of countries to enter Russia. However, there are not many flights. The Interior Ministry estimated that 45% of the foreigners who were in Russia before the pandemic have since departed. Guest workers from Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan in particular often do the least desirable and least remunerative jobs. It is hard to find Russians to do these jobs, especially in remote regions. Sanctions make it illegal to employ North Koreans, and Russia does not wish to breach these sanctions on a gross scale. The Agriculture Ministry has asked that migrants be permitted to enter the country for the 2021 season. The country already faces food shortages due to price controls. The government intends to give USD 2.5 million to farmers to assist them with higher recruitment costs. The aim is to hire Russian agricultural students. The economies of the Central Asian countries, and Armenia and Moldova have been battered by the lack of employment for migrant laborers in Russia. These fragile economies are heavily reliant on remittances from Russia.

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