Russia relaxed about terrorism case against it

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 10 Nov 2019 by Alex Teddy

On November 8 Ukraine filed a case in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Russia. Ukraine says that Russia has funded terrorism which is against international law. The pro-Russian rebels are not fighting for a sovereign state. Ukraine's argument is that unlawful violence is terrorism and that Moscow has furnished the rebels with funds and weapons. It is an argument that Russia has frequently made against NATO countries with regard to Syria and elsewhere. The ICJ has ruled that it is competent to hear the case.The Russian Government has responded that it is confident it will win the case. Moscow maintains that it has never armed or funded the rebels. But where have they got their weapons and ammunition since 2014? Moscow says it has never sent a single soldier across the border but acknowledges that volunteers have gone.

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