Russia to hold military exercises near Afghanistan
- In Brief
20 Jul 2021
by Alex Teddy
On July 19 Moscow stated that it will deploy troops in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan to hold joint drills with the armies of those countries. On August 5-10 military drills will be held in Tajikistan. Later drills will be held in Uzbekistan. The stated aim of the drills is to prepare for the eventuality that illegal armed groups cross the border. Both countries border Afghanistan and are former Soviet republics. Tanks will be used in the drills.The Russian government has been keen to tell the press about the drills, partly to warn the Taliban.The Taliban already controls half of Afghanistan. Traditionally it has been weak in the north of the country, making its recent gains in the north all the more worrisome. Tajikistan is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) along with Russia. Uzbekistan is not in CSTO. However, it is increasingly seeking Russian help and might yet join the CSTO.The Taliban has made rapid gains in the last few weeks. The US military pull-out is almost complete despite its due date being September 11, 2021. The Afghan Army is in a panic. In the northern provinces many have fled the Taliban and sought refuge in Tajikistan. Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are refusing to let Afghan soldiers in. They insist that the Afghan soldiers' only hope of survival is to fight the Taliban.Although there is much gloating at NATO's defeat in Afghanistan there is also consternation. If NATO is not going to keep the Taliban at bay, then Russia may have to. The Taliban say they wanted a negotiated peace. This is proven false by their attacks. But as fighting is working for them, why would they compromise?On July 19 the Russian newspaper Kommersant said...
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