Russian Ambassador attends inauguration in Transdnistria, irking Moldova
- In Brief
20 Dec 2021
by Alex Teddy
On December 19 the Moldovan government expressed its protest at the decision. Transdnistira effectively seceded from Moldova in 1991, and the Russian Army is there. Moscow says its troops are peacekeepers. Transdnistria is a Russian-speaking region of Moldova. The rest of Moldova is mostly Romanian-speaking, and its people are granted Romanian citizenship upon application.In December 2021 Transdnistria held elections. A new leader was elected. Moldova said the elections were illegitimate.Russian troops fly to Moldova and then cross into Transdnistria. Moldova aspires to join the EU but not NATO. The president says she would like Russian soldiers to leave Transdnistria. She said the UN troops should perform the peacekeeping role.
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