Russian military said to be active in Libya

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 08 Dec 2019 by Alex Teddy

On December 6 the US announced that a US drone shot down in Libya recently was destroyed by the Russian Army. This will raise tension between the United States and Russia. The US wants the wreckage back but the Russian government denies all involvement and says it has no idea where the wreckage is. The Libyan government handed Russia a list of over 700 names of Russian mercenaries whom the Libyans say are fighting in Russia. The Government of National Accord (GNA) holds the capital city is recognized by the UN. Wagner is a Russian private military company (PMC) believed to be active in the country. Being a mercenary is illegal in Russia but PMCs come and go as they please. This suggests Russian government collusion.Khalifa Haftar is a Libyan-American who is fighting to overthrow the GNA. Haftar is supported by Russia, the UAE and Egypt.

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