Sberbank gives strongest shareholder returns in the world

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 20 May 2021 by Alex Teddy

On May 19 Boston Consulting Group (BCG) published a study that showed that the Russian bank's performance since 2016 has provided higher dividends than any other bank anywhere. Sberbank is state controlled and it is a major lender. Sberbank is also Russia's biggest publicly listed company. It has returned 28.4% per annum on average since 2016. That is combining dividend payouts and share price appreciation.On average financial institutions around the world have provided an average of 6.7% since 2016.Other Russian companies that have provided excellent shareholder returns include Evraz which is in metals. It is the second most profitable in its field worldwide. It averaged 58.4% per annum! Lukoil was the 4th best in oil globally and it provided an annual return of 24.7%.Oil was the lowest of all the 33 sectors examined by BCG. It provided a return of 1%. 4 Russian companies are in the top 10 for shareholder returns. What gave the best companies the edge is technology. Digital solutions are the answer. Russia has weathered coronavirus better than any major economy.The Government ordered Sberbank to pay out 50% or more of its net profits in dividend payments. USD 5.7 billion was paid out on 2020 profits.In 2021 Sberbank so far announced record breaking profits. It is on target to make USD 13.6 billion this year.

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