Senator Eduardo Braga will be the rapporteur for Tax Reform in the Senate, the proposal will likely change in the Senate, and the government reached an agreement on the sanitation framework
- Report
12 Jul 2023
by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha
The rapporteur for the Tax Reform proposal in the Senate was chosen—Senator Eduardo Braga (MDB-AM). He guarantees that the Senate will approve the proposal, but also recognizes that there will be changes to the text. The likelihood of changes in the text is high. For the text to be enacted, it must be approved by both Houses of Congress. Braga will present the work plan in August. Yesterday, the government and opposition reached an agreement on the sanitation framework. According to the president of the Senate, the new text will exclude the all articles that were overturned in the House in May, except for one.
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