Senators begin to take position on the Court-ordered payments PEC, the CCJ of the House may vote on the extension of the payroll tax exemption next week & the Senate Economic Affairs Committee may vote on the bill that deals with privatization of Correios

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 12 Nov 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Some senators are raising questions about the excesses of funds contained in the PEC. There may be adjustments to the text in order to guarantee a higher payment of court orders. Depending on the change, the entire proposal may not have to be returned for analysis in the House. A bill pending in the House extends the payroll tax exemption until 2026. But yesterday, President Jair Bolsonaro said that the government has already decided to extend it for another two years. The rapporteur of the bill that deals with the privatization of the Correios, Sen. Márcio Bittar, may make changes to the text to allow for the voting of the text.

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