Sérgio Moro’s presidential candidacy may be announced next week, former President Lula will give a press conference this Friday, and Dep. Hugo Motta should submit his report on the court-ordered payments PEC today

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 07 Oct 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Sérgio Moro's candidacy will add yet another possible candidate, further favoring the polarization between Bolsonaro and Lula. Lula’s goal with the press conference is to gain space in the media. The court-ordered payments PEC will likely receive a request for review of the text, and the vote in the Committee should take place next week. Yesterday, the House approved a request to summon the Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes, to provide clarification in a plenary session about the company he owns in an offshore tax haven. Senator Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL) should speak about the allegations against him in the CPI today.

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