Setting the election stage

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - Report 13 Dec 2017 by Alexey Dolinskiy

Russia’s leadership once again announced its victory in Syria and started a troop withdrawal. The moment was carefully chosen to precede the presidential election in March 2018. However, Russia also demonstrated its long-range bomber strike capability to prove that it will remain involved in the future of Syria. In addition, Moscow organized a series of high-level meetings with Middle Eastern authorities to continue leading a peace settlement in the region.

Escalation of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine was the result of both regional and global dynamics, most notably US-Russia relations. With the US leadership effectively avoiding Russia, and bilateral communications diminished to a bare minimum, Russia is using the Eastern Ukraine conflict to force the US back to the negotiating table.

A series of Russian space program failures may endanger Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin’s political future. Continuing investment in technology and infrastructure has not prevented Russia from losing market share, and the country’s leadership is disappointed in the management of the industry.

Russians’ attitudes towards nonprofits have been gradually improving in the last few years yet Russians largely remain doubtful and suspicious of nonprofits. However, there are some positive dynamics in the number of people supporting nonprofits, and the share of respondents who are generally uninterested in nonprofits fell to approximately one third of its previous level.

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