Shaky start to Russia's sovereign internet
- In Brief
04 Nov 2019
by Alex Teddy
On November 1 Russia's sovereign internet came into effect. Russia can now cut itself from the worldwide web. This sparked protests earlier this year. The government says the purpose of the new law is to prevent the dissemination of disinformation and to thwart hacker attacks. Russian internet providers are now required to have DPI (Deep Package Inspection) tools to screen out unwelcome content. Most companies lack the tools to do what the laws require. Tests have been run on compliance with the law and some of these tests have been unsuccessful. Russia already bans sites but they are accessible with a VPN. In 2018 the internet was shut down for two weeks in the troubled Ingushetia Region. This helped to dampen down protests.In 2018 the IT sector generated 5% of Russia's GDP. This figure is growing rapidly. Roskomnadzor is the state agency tasked with overseeing the sovereign internet. China has long had a sovereign internet which Moscow regarded with envy and admiration.
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