Slower week in Congress, the Tax Reform Working Group will hold its final public hearings, and the government will announce the 2024/2025 Harvest Plan

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 24 Jun 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

This week will be slower in Congress due to the June festivities, which are very important for many congressmen, especially because of the upcoming municipal elections. This is the last week of activity in the Judiciary. The Working Group on Tax Reform will hold its last four public hearings this week. In addition to a discussion in Maranhão, the other meetings will address the selective tax, the impacts of the reform on the country's employability, sustainability, and the environment. Tomorrow, the government will launch the 2024-2025 Safra Plan for the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf) in Brasília. For medium and large producers, the launch will be on Wednesday, June 26, in Rondonópolis (MT).

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