Son of Turkmen President to succeed him
- In Brief
15 Mar 2022
by Alex Teddy
On March 15 the result of the election was declared. Serdar Berdymukhammedov won 73% of the vote and the turnout was 97%. Public sector workers had been told to vote on pain of dismissal. There were 8 other candidates, all of whom were pro-regime and solely standing for optical purposes. The election was not considered free or fair by election monitors. There were no election debates. Serdar campaigned by meeting only enthusiastic supporters.The President of Turkmenistan has untrammeled power. There is no Prime Minister. Serdar shall be inaugurated on March 19. It is possible that Turkmenistan is taking advantage of the Ukraine War to do this. The whole world is distracted and is not complaining about the undemocratic transfer of power in the ultra authoritarian state.
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