South Africa finally making solid moves on ICT policy that will benefit the economy
Despite having the most advanced economy in Africa, South Africa’s ICT (Information and Communications Technology) sector lags behind its peers globally, and a large part of this can be attributed to policy. Country comparisons reveal that South Africa’s fixed broadband internet speeds are relatively low, ranking at only number 94 out of 175 countries. After years of foot-dragging, the government is finally working to rectify this. The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) recently (November 1) published an Information Memorandum outlining its intentions concerning the licensing process for the auction of broadband spectrum as well as providing guidelines for prospective applicants. In essence, ICASA aims to address South Africa’s bandwidth deficiency, increasing the currently assigned bandwidth of 566 MHz International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) spectrum to 958 MHz in the short term. Also promising in the Memorandum is the (unexpected) inclusion of the 5G spectrum.
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