STF President Barroso denied the request to suspend Justice Dino’s injunction on mandatory transfers, the Senate postponed the vote on the payroll tax relief bill, and a study will be submitted on the Tax Reform bill
The House, the Senate, and party leaders filed an appeal yesterday to suspend the injunction issued by Supreme Federal Court (STF) Justice Flávio Dino, which halts the execution of all mandatory fund transfers. STF President Luis Roberto Barroso denied the request. The Senate decided to delay the vote on the bill that deals with payroll tax relief until next week. By Monday, the bill's rapporteur, Senator Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), will present a new substitute text in order to reduce opposition to the bill. Next week, the Ministry of Finance will submit a study to the likely rapporteur in the Senate, Eduardo Braga (MDB-AM) on the impact of the changes made by the House to the text regulating Tax Reform (PLP 68/24).
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