Strikes in Kazahstan

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 14 Feb 2022 by Alex Teddy

On February 9 workers downed tools at the Burghylau Oil Company in Zhanaozen. This city is where strikes led to 100 people being shot by the police in 2011. The strikes are calling for improved wages and conditions. The strikes have affected other energy companies in the region. A nuclear power station is experiencing a strike. Drilling wells has stopped. At least 2,000 workers at Burghylau are on strike. There have been demonstrations in Aqtau. Officials promised welfare payments, and the crowds dispersed. People are also demanding youth unemployment be tackled. Salaries for most workers are USD 250 per month. Sometimes they receive less than half of that because higher-ups steal it. The president's vow to help the poor has not resulted in action.This is worrisome for the government. Demonstrations in January 2022 led to the government killing over 200 people. The president claimed 20,000 armed terrorists were on the rampage. Despite people being terrified by the state there is so much public anger that some people are daring to protest again.A lot of people disappeared in January 2022. Presumably they were killed by the police but their deaths were not registered as such. The government has launched investigations into allegations that the police killed some people unjustifiably.

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