The Banco Genial/Quaest poll should be published today, those who intend to run for elective office must step down from their positions by April 2, and after meeting with Roberto Campos Neto, Sinal threatens to strike for an indefinite period of time
The Banco Genial/Quaest poll interviewed 2,000 voters between January 6-9, and two other polls should be published this week, one on Thursday and another on Friday. The likelihood is for them to continue to reflect the polarization between Jair Bolsonaro and Lula. According to President Bolsonaro, 12 ministers will likely leave their positions to run for office. Those who hold a position in the legislature, such as federal or state deputy, senator or even city council member, do not need to resign. After meeting with the president of the Central Bank, the National Union of Employees of the Central Bank (Sinal) began to threaten a strike “for an indefinite period” starting in February. The Ministry of the Economy continues to position itself against a raise.
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