The Centrão is expected to announce formal support for Alckmin and other weekly topics

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 23 Jul 2018 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The Centrão is expected to announce formal support for Geraldo Alckmin’s (PSDB) presidential candidacy. Lula’s PT and Ciro Gomes’ PDT are trying to attract other parties, such as the PCdoB and PSB, to their coalitions. President Michel Temer travels to Africa, and STF Minister Cármen Lúcia takes over as President. Expectations are rising about the Cepisa auction, an Eletrobras distributor.

This week’s Talking Points
• The Centrão is expected to announce formal support for Alckmin
• Three questions for Rep. Renata Abreu (SP), National President of PODEMOS
• Centrão: Alckmin gains support
• Important decisions are pending
• With the Centrão, Alckmin will have the most TV time
• The PSDB is fragile in the Northeast
• Electoral Q&A: The most-asked questions
• Support for President Temer reaches a new low in the Lower House

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