The chairs of the standing committees in the House were selected, Haddad should submit the new fiscal framework tomorrow, and the PCdoB called for the urgent suspension of measures of the State-Owned Companies Law

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 16 Mar 2023 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The two most important committees in the House will be chaired by the PT: the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) and the Finance and Taxation Committee (CFT), The Senate Committees have already been installed. As a result, legislative activity should pick up pace starting next week. The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, is going to present the new fiscal framework to President Lula on Friday, March 17. The text is expected to be sent to Congress next week. The PCdoB filed a lawsuit at the Supreme Federal Court (STF) to question the restrictions imposed by the State-Owned Companies Law on the appointment of politicians. Yesterday, the party asked that the Court provisionally suspend the measures of the law until the case is resolved.

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