The court-ordered payments PEC, the Administrative Reform PEC and the payroll tax exemption bill should be put to a vote, the rapporteur of the Pandemic CPI should submit his final report

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 20 Sep 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Arthur Lira would like to speed up the processing time for the court-ordered payments PEC. The proposal was approved in the CCJ last week. Dep. Arthur Maia should submit a new report on the Administrative Reform PEC. The proposal should be put to a vote in the Special Committee this week. The Senate may vote on the railroad legal framework. Some senators are calling for Rodrigo Pacheco to return the government’s provisional measure on the matter. The Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) of the Central Bank (BC) will define the basic interest rate (Selic).

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