The court-ordered payments PEC to be put to a vote in the CCJ, the Special Committee on Administrative Reform to vote on Arthur Maia’s report, and the PGR asked the STF to suspend Bolsonaro’s MP on content limitation on social media
- Report
14 Sep 2021
by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha
A request to review the text may postpone the vote on the court-ordered payments PEC unitl next week. President of the House Arthur Lira hopes to send the Administrative Reform proposal to the Senate by early October. The plenary of the House will resume voting on the Electoral Reform proposal. The legalization of gambling is being discussed in a working group created by Arthur Lira. Yesterday, the Prosecutor General of Brazil (PGR), Augusto Aras, asked the Supreme Federal Court (STF) to suspend Provisional Measure (MP) 1.068/2021, signed by President Jair Bolsonaro.
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