The Court-ordered payments PEC was approved in the first round, the CCJ of the House analyzes the extension of the payroll tax exemption, and Anatel holds the 5G auction today

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 04 Nov 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

With 312 votes in favor and 144 against, the House approved the Court-ordered payments PEC in the first round. Eleven edits to the text still need to be analyzed next Tuesday, November 9. The vote in the Senate will require even more effort from the government. According to the approved text, the federal government’s debts with states due to Fundef will be prioritized for payment within a newly established limit for court orders. The extension of the payroll tax exemption until December 2026 is under discussion in the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) of the House. The 5G auction will be the largest ever held by Anatel, with an expected turnover of R$ 49.7 billion.

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