The CPMI on the January 8 attacks was installed, the government is working toward preventing the Environment Ministry from losing many of its responsibilities, and the House approved the urgent status of the bill on the demarcation of indigenous lands

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 26 May 2023 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The Joint Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPMI) on the January 8 attacks was finally installed yesterday. The president of the committee will be Deputy Arthur Maia (União-BA), and the rapporteur will be Senator Elizabeth Gamma (PSD-MA). A number of responsibilities of the Ministry of the Environment, led by Marina Silva, were transferred to other ministries. The president of the PT, Gleisi Hoffmann, stated that she may go to the Supreme Federal Court (STF) to prevent this change. The House also approved an urgent status request for the bill that defines a time frame for the demarcation of indigenous lands. The House intends to analyze the bill before the judgment of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) on the matter, scheduled for June 7.

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