The deadline for the Transition PEC should be one or two years at the most and the value will not exceed R$ 130 billion, the STF approved the Lifetime Review yesterday, and the Transition PEC is expected to be approved in the Senate next week

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 02 Dec 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Lula's presence in Brasilia helped guide the political agreement around the Transition Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC). He is expected to speak to the press today around 11:30 a.m. In addition to the PEC, he will likely be asked about the ministerial team. Yesterday, by 6 votes to 5, the Supreme Federal Court (STF) decided in favor of the Lifetime Review, which allows retirees to include old salaries, paid in other currencies, in the calculation of the average salary for their retirement (Lifetime Review). The Transition PEC is expected to be approved and sent to the House. Lula may also announce some of the names of his ministerial team.

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